

A. when
B. whereas
C. while
D. once



A. 内部民主管理
B. 民主管理
C. 财务制度
D. 监督制度
E. 内部互助

The frugality phenomenon first achieved prominence as a middle-class (6)_____ of high consumption lifestyle. in the industrial world during the 50's and 60's. In the Silent Revolution, Ronald Inglehart of the University of Michingan's Institute of Social Research examined this (7)_____ in the United States and 10 Western European nations. He concluded that a change has taken place "from an (8)_____ emphasis on material well-being and physical security (9)_____ greater emphasis on the quality of life", that is, "a (10)_____ from materialism to postmaterialism".
Inglehart calls the 60s the "fat year". Among their more visible trappings were the ragged blue jeans favored by the affluent young. Most of them (11)_____ from materialism; however, this was (12)_____ Comfortably fixed Americans were going (13)_____, (14)_____ making things last longer, sharing things with others, learning to do things for themselves and so on. But (15)_____ economically significant, it was hardly (16)_____ in a US Gross National Product climbing vigorously toward the $2 thousand billion mark (17)_____, as the frugality phenomenon matured—growing out of the soaring 80s and into the somber 90s—it seemed to undergo a (18)_____ transformation. American consumers continued to lose (19)_____ in materialism and were being joined by new converts who were (20)_____ frugality because of the darkening economic skies they saw ahead.

A. question
B. problem
C. issue
D. dilemma

R1, R2是一个自治系统中采用RIP路由协议的两个相邻路由器,R1的路由表如下图(a) 所示,如果R1收到R2发送的如下图(b) 所示的(V,D) 报文后,更新后RI的五个路由表项的距离值从上到下依次为0、4、4、3、2

A. 0、5、4、3、2
B. 1、3、4、3、1
C. 2、3、4、1、1
D. 3、4、3、3、1

下列事件过程的功能是:建立一个名为Datal的随机文件,存放角度值及这些角度的正弦函数值和余弦函数值,角度为1,2,3,…,90。请选择正确的程序段是(),将程序补充完整。 Private Type Ang K As Integer Sinx As Single Cosx As Single End Type Dim Ksc As Ang Private Sub Form_Click() Dim Y As Single Dim i As Integer Dim Ksc As Ang Open ______ Y=14159/180 For i=1 To 90 Ksc.K=i Ksc.Sinx=Sin(i*Y) Ksc.Cosx=Cos(i*Y) Next i Close #2 End Sub

A. ..\Datal.txtFor Random As #1 Len=10 Put #1,i,Ksc
B. ..\Datal.txtFor Random As #1 Len=10 Put #1,Y,Ksc
C. ..\Datal.txtFor Random As #1 Put #1,i,Ksc
D. ..\Datal.txtFor Random As #1 Put #1,Y,Ksc
