
The example of India in the first paragraph is given to show______.

A. the uncontrollable increase of its population
B. the importance of English in economic growth
C. the influence of English over native languages
D. the pre-eminence of English in the whole world


The third study found that depressive symptoms were

A. prevalent among healthy adult men and women
B. irrelevant to how much exercise one takes daily
C. distinctive risk factors for cardiovascular illness
D. linked with an identified risk factor for heart disease


A. 中枢抗胆碱综合征
B. 五羟色胺综合征
C. 抗胆碱酯酶药中毒
D. 抗精神病药物恶性综合征
E. 多发性硬化症

The rapid increase of the cownose ray results from______.

A. the ten fold increase of its numbers in a short time
B. the abundance of the 12 species that sharks prey on
C. the tremendous decline of the number of its predators
D. the decline of sharks off the eastern seaboard of America

According to the text, Deane Brown______.

A. was ambitious for success in her career
B. preferred to work in a less famous company
C. could hardly meet the challenge of a top firm
D. was both competent and hardworking as a lawyer
