The Chartist Movement, though failed, was the first nationwide______and drew attention to
A. working class movement
B. middle class movement
C. upper class movement
D. peasant movement
A. 碘剂
B. β受体阻滞剂
C. 手术
D. 抗甲状腺药物
E. 放射性131I
What is the most important factor in solving the man who threatened people?
A. Power.
B. Skills.
C. Patience.
D. Weapons.
A. 血浆皮质醇分泌节律呈早高晚低变化
B. ACTH试验呈延迟反应
C. 螺内酯(安替舒通)试验阳性
D. 尿游离皮质醇可增高
E. ACTH分泌高峰较皮质醇高峰延迟30分钟