
We see it frequently in life that two people get together, are happy, and then grow apart. What is the secret to having a happy, _______relationship?

A. temporary
B. lasting
C. final
D. negative


It's important to some people to wear only the latest fashions and styles. For others, though, keeping up with the _______ isn't that important.

A. tradition
B. condition
C. trend
D. trait

In the English language there are quite a number of words known as "loanwords"(外来语)or "borrowings." In other words, they _______from other languages.

A. arrive
B. receive
C. perceive
D. derive

You can buy (almost everything) on _______, so long as you're sure you can pay the monthly installment.

A. credit
B. money
C. application
D. website

Many migrant workers who leave their children behind in the countryside feel _______ about having failed to perform their role as parents.

A. thank
B. debt
C. guilt
D. innocence
