
1.It was not until yesterday_____ the business negotiation finally came to a successfully end. (2013-12)a. whenb. thatc.since d. after2.It was your recommendation_____enabled me to be an engineer in this world-famous company. (2014-12)a.when b. who c. what d.that3.It was these small differences______ eventually led the company to be extremely successful today. (2015-6)a.thatb.wherec.thosed. what4.It was not until last July______we started to distributed e-readers and launched an e-book store. (2017-12)a.thatb. whoc. whichd. whom5. Itwasat yesterday’s meeting __________ I misunderstood what you had said. (2018-06)a. thatb. wherec. whichd. who


蒙太奇按照类型可分为 ; 。

幼儿园与小学的衔接实质问题是( )。

A. 幼儿园小学化的问题
B. 小学幼儿园化问题
C. 主体的适应性问题
D. 幼儿的读写算问题
E. 幼儿心理的问题

美国心理学家布卢姆的研究发现,儿童入学后学业成绩很大程度上取决于( )。

A. 儿童的遗传素质
B. 儿童的早期经验
C. 学校的教育方式
D. 家长的文化素养
E. 学生兴趣

幼儿园应与( )密切合作,与小学相互衔接,综合利用各种教育资源,共同为幼儿的发展创造良好条件。

A. 家庭
B. 社会
C. 社区
D. 家庭、社区
