
Try to find out the advantages and disadvantages of both parties.正确的翻译是()

A. 设法了解对方的谈判实力。
B. 设法了解双方的谈判实力。
C. 随意了解对方的谈判实力。


When one party is weak and the other is strong, the weak one often adopts the tactic of “Attack in order to defend” and the strong one will adopt the tactic of “defend in order to attack”.In international trade, usually the buyers will attack and the sellers defend.正确的翻译是()

A. 一方强而另一方弱时,弱的一方常采用攻势,强的一方常采取守势。在国际贸易中,通常买方采用攻势,卖方采取守势。
B. 一方强而另一方弱时,强的一方常采用攻势,弱的一方常采取守势。在国际贸易中,通常买方采用攻势,卖方采取守势。
C. 一方强而另一方弱时,弱的一方常采用攻势,强的一方常采取守势。在国际贸易中,通常卖方采用攻势,买方采取守势。

What is “Rock bottom price”

When to use the “Rock bottom price”

Advantages and disadvantages of each type of making concessions【简答题】
