According to the passage, computers play an essential role in()
A. automation
B. mathematical computations
C. traffic control
D. the development of mathematical theory
We get the impression that the author seems to be ______. Hardy's impulses as a writer.
A. amazed at
B. critical of
C. fed up with
D. interested in
A. 风池、内关、曲池、足三里
B. 风池、内关、合谷、三阴交
C. 风池、内关、肝俞、行间
D. 风池、内关、神门、三阴交
E. 风池、内关、中脘、丰隆
Charlotte Bronte's masterpiece is ______.
A. Jane Eyre
B. Wuthering Heights
C. Tess of d'Urbervilles
D. Agnes Grey
The author's attitude towards changes in the financial aid to higher education by government is __________.
A. positive
B. indifferent
C. critical
D. neutral