某小区位于城乡结合部,存在环境卫生差、治安状况不佳、托幼设施不足等多重问题。社会工作者小曾走访了社区附近的幼儿园,了解入园及等候人园儿童的数量,决定先解决社区幼儿照顾问题。 在确定社区幼儿照顾需要的过程中,小曾采用的是()。
A. 社会指标方法
B. 服务使用情况方法
C. 问卷调查方法
D. 参与式观察方法
Here were human habitations so abominable that they would have disgraced a race of alley cats.
There is a limit to what flesh and blood can bear.
At night the lake was like black glass with a streak of amber which was the path of the noon. Around
United, there is little we cannot do in host of co-operative ventures. Divided, there is little we c