According to the text all the following statements are true EXCEPT ______.
A. the Taliban government has been legally ruling Afghanistan since its defeating all other forces
Bin Laden denied his involvement in last week's attacks on the World Trade Center
C. the Taliban leaders call on their people to pray and read the Koran to meet what they called a "test"
D. an emergency meeting of clerics in the Afghan capital, is held today in Kabul to discuss the Americans' threat of the country
A. 胸痛多在夜间发作
B. 胸痛发作多在15分钟以上
C. 持续左前胸憋闷感
D. 疼痛时心电图示ST段抬高
E. 休息或含硝酸甘油数分钟内疼痛消
A. 骨折线跨过硬脑膜中动脉沟时须防硬膜外血肿的发生
B. 运动区部位的凹陷性骨折禁忌手术复位
C. 颅底骨折有脑脊液耳、鼻漏时禁忌堵塞耳、鼻道
D. 颅底骨折属内开放性颅脑损伤
E. 颅盖骨骨折的诊断主要依靠x线摄片
A. 5~9岁
B. 10一19岁
C. 20~40岁
D. 41—60岁
E. 61—80岁
The performances in relation to Whorf's claim or the Dani and the Piraha are
A. complementary
B. identical
C. similar
D. opposite