Which of the following is true about grammar practice?
A. When doing transformation drills, the students need to change the forms of the given prompts.
B. In meaningful practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange of meaning.
C. In substitution drills, the students change a given structure in a way so that they are exposed to another similar structure.
D. An activity cannot have elements of both mechanical and meaningful practice.
A. 菜肴的主要特色
B. 酒水的主要品种
C. 餐厅的主要设施
D. 用餐的有关规定
A. 信誉
B. 礼遇
C. 待遇
D. 荣誉
接到旅游团抵达后,若先抵达饭店,导游同旅游团领队核对和商定日程一般在() 进行。
A. 饭店大堂
B. 领队房间
C. 全陪房间
D. 机场
A. 以领队、全陪的计划为准
B. 以地陪手中的计划为准
C. 双方现场协商决定
D. 及时报告接待旅行社