
Questions 23-26 According to the information given in the text, choose the correct answer or answers from the choices given. exploits()

A. avoid computer programme security measures.
B. are easy to detect.
C. are always sold to the highest bidder.


用例从用户角度描述系统的行为。用例之间可以存在一定的关系。在“某图书馆管理系统”用例模型中,所有用户使用系统之前必须通过“身份验证”,“身份验证”有“密码验证”和“智能卡验证”两种方式,则“身份验证”与“密码验证”和“智能卡验证”之间是 (42) 关系。

A. 关联
B. 包含
C. 扩展
D. 泛化

Questions 18-20Decide which mobile phone package(s) is/are being described. Write the appropriate letter(s) on your answer sheet. Note that more than one answer may be possible.A. pay-monthly B. pre-paid C. pay-as-you-go You sign an agreement under this package.()

在UML中, (16) 把活动图中的活动划分为若干组,并将划分的组指定给对象,这些对象必须履行该组所包括的活动,它能够明确地表示哪些活动是由哪些对象完成的。

A. 组合活动
B. 同步条
C. 活动
D. 泳道

Suggestions from developed countries that less developed countries develop similar schemes often lack ______.
