A. 电子式电能表检定装置
B. 电能表标准检定装置
C. 数控式电能表检定装置
D. 全自动电能表检定装置
You are developing a Hotel Booking application for a travel company. The users request a wizard-style interface for this application. How could you satisfy this requirement?()
A. Reference the Object Iron packages in your form module.
B. Write an HTML interface, and invoke it from your form module.
C. Include the Wizard class reusable component in your application.
D. Build a customized wizard using tab canvases and a horizontal toolbar canvas.
A. 特殊情况下,储户也可以采用口头或者电函形式申请挂失,但必须在七天内补办书面申请挂失手续
B. 不记名的存款凭证(存单、折)不能挂失
C. 一本(卡)通挂失时,所有分账号全部挂失,口挂允许跨机构挂失,书挂和双挂必须在开户网点办理
D. 凭证挂失可代理,双挂不允许代理