
According to the text, which does the author believe is true?

A. If girls had an equal chance at playing games, they would like computers.
B. If the computer games were less violent, girls would like it better.
C. If the software content was changed, girls would be more interested in computers.
D. If girls somehow identified themselves with computers they would use them more.


By the time students are in high school,______.

A. many girls use computers for problem solving rather than for pleasure
B. girls usually get lower results in computer courses
C. tend to use computers more in the class than out of the class
D. many girls have lost interest in computers

For girls computer labs seems to be______.

A. full of people who tell girls they don"t belong
B. full of software that is only appealing to boys
C. places that teachers discourage girls to be
D. intimidating and associated as male areas

The author indicates in the text that public duty stresses______.

A. a necessary kind of craftiness to succeed
B. the recognition of an official duty of every citizen
C. a certain attention to details which may involve much sacrifice
D. a recognition that you should gain nothing from it personally

奶牛,体温 40.5°C,右后蹄出现肿胀,触诊有热、痛,趾间有溃疡面,其上覆盖有恶臭的坏死物,蹄底有孔道。该奶牛场牛只长期舍饲,圈内粪尿淤积。该病最可能的诊断是

A. 趾间皮炎
B. 蹄叉腐烂
C. 腐蹄病
D. 局限性蹄皮炎
E. 蹄叶炎
