Which of the following parental helps will the writer of Comment 3 consider proper?
Assisting kids in their exercises.
B. Making sure kids have finished their work.
C. Reviewing kids" homework for accuracy.
D. Monitoring kids" class performance.
A. in place
B. in return
C. in person
D. in turn
The writer of Comment 2 would probably agree that ______.
A. social maturity is sufficient to achieve success in life
B. high school is often boring in the U. S.
C. high intelligence does not guarantee success
D. getting ready for college is an emotional process
What is the main conclusion of the Robinson and Harriss study?
A. Parental involvement works better with low-achievers.
B. Schools should communicate with parents regularly.
C. The kids of more-involved parents improve over time.
D. Parental involvement may not necessarily benefit children.
After the fear subsided, the author realized that______.
A. it was not as horrible as she had thought
B. an elevator ride could be exciting
C. she could have had a good time with her boyfriend
D. her boyfriend"s help was important