
33)After the layoffs were announced, Mr. Hollande ________ that the plan “is not acceptable, and therefore it will not be accepted”.

A. refuted
B. resented
C. reverted
D. retorted


34)Corey said his time working with the professor was the most rewarding experience he had ever had in his life, far ________ anything that he might have dreamed of or imagined.

A. surpassing
B. surpassed
C. surpass
D. to surpass

35)There seems to be no debate about the ________ that the world will be warmer and warmer if we keep pumping large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

A. preposition
B. proposition
C. persuasion
D. perception

36)Unlike some kids who graduate high school eager to start a life away from home, Matt ________ a college about 30 miles from his home so that he could remain devoted to family, and especially his mother.

A. applied to
B. applied for
C. replied to
D. replied for

Part IV Translation (总共20分)Directions: Translate the following paragraph into English.42)根据民政部数据,目前我国城乡“空巢”家庭超过50%,部分大中城市达到70%,而且,空巢化还在持续。农村青壮年外出务工或经商、城市青壮年异城就业或同城分别居住,以及我国人口老龄化趋势加剧,是造成大量家庭“空巢”的主要原因。应对空巢老人养老问题,政府、家庭、社区以个人需共同努力。一方面要大力弘扬以孝敬父母和长辈为核心的中国传统的“孝”文化,鼓励子女常回家看看;另一方面要加快社会化的老龄服务体系建设。
