Another effective measure suggested against accidents is______.
A. to issue license
B. to prevent beginners from driving boats
C. to keep offenders off the water
D. to prevent people from riding boats in bad weather
The two major rivals for Eastern trade were______.
A. Spain and Portugal
B. Germany and Italy
C. England and Spain
D. England and France
Some psychologists believe that thinking is_____.
A. a process involving the muscles as well as the brain
B. a process performed by the entire body
C. only a mental process in the brain
D. much more of a physical process than a mental action
Great Britain did not want to see the French build the Suez Canal because it would give France an advantage in Eastern trade competition and because______.
A. it endangered ties with India
B. it would give France a military advantage
C. France might then gain control of Egypt
D. the English disliked both the French and the Egyptians
The process of thinking is different from that of listening in that______.
A. the former is a mental process while the latter not
B. muscle participation is less apparent in the former
C. the former is more serious
D. the latter is more enjoyable