A. H是北婆罗洲土著人。
B. H不是爱斯基摩土著人。
C. H不是北婆罗洲土著人。
D. H是爱斯基摩土著人。
E. H既不是爱斯基摩土著人,也不是北婆罗洲土著人。
A. 张嘉如果作了学术报告,那么他不是物理学会的。
B. 张嘉不具有副教授以上职称。
C. 李默不是化学学会的。
D. 张嘉不是物理学会的。
E. 李默如果作了学术报告,那么他不是化学学会的。
A. 国画按题材分主要有人物画、花鸟画、山水画等等;按技法分主要有工笔画和写意画等等。
B. 《盗梦空间》除了是最佳影片的有力争夺者外,它在技术类奖项的争夺中也将有所斩获。
C. 洛邑小学30岁的食堂总经理为了改善伙食,在食堂放了几个意见本,征求学生们的意见。
D. 在微波炉清洁剂中加入漂白剂,就会释放出氯气。
E. 高校教师包括教授、副教授、讲师和助教等。
A. 凡是不称职的人都看不见这衣服。
B. 有些称职的人能看见这衣服。
C. 凡是能看见这衣服的人都是称职的人或者不愚蠢的人。
D. 凡是看不见这衣服的人都是不称职的人或者愚蠢的人。
E. 有些能看见这衣服的人是称职的。
The human ear contains the organ for hearing and the organ for balance. Both organs involve fluid-filled channels containing hair cells that produce electrochemical impulses when the hairs are stimulated by moving fluid. The ear can be divided into three regions: outer, middle, and inner. The outer ear collects sound waves and directs them to the eardrum separating the outer ear from the middle ear. The middle ear conducts sound vibrations through three small bones to the inner ear. The inner ear is a network of channels containing fluid that moves in response to sound or movement. To perform the function of hearing, the ear converts the energy of pressure waves moving through the air into nerve impulses that me brain perceives as sound. Vibrating objects, such as the vocal cords of a speaking person, create waves in me surrounding air. These waves cause the eardrum to vibrate with the same frequency. The three bones of the middle ear amplify and transmit the vibrations to the oval window, a membrane on the surface of the cochlea, the organ of hearing. Vibrations of me oval window produce pressure waves in the fluid inside me cochlea. Hair cells in the cochlea convert the energy of the vibrating fluid into impulses that travel along the auditory nerve to the brain. The organ for balance is also located in the inner ear. Sensations related to body position are generated much like sensations of sound. Hair cells in the inner ear respond to changes in head position with respect to gravity and movement. Gravity is always pulling down on the hairs, sending a constant series of impulses to the brain. When the position of the head changes—as when the head bends forward—the force on the hair cells changes its output of nerve impulses. The brain then interprets these changes to determine the head’s new position. Hearing involves all of the following EXCEPT______.
A. motion of the vocal cords so that they vibrate
B. stimulation of hair cells in fluid-filled channels
C. amplification of sound vibrations
D. conversion of wave energy into nerve impulses