


The bacterial cells grow in a process of _______?

A. Binary fission;
B. replication;
C. germination;
D. division

Which statement about generation time of bacteria is not right?

A. The time required for a population of cells to double in number;
B. Most bacteria have a generation time of 20 minutes;
C. The generation time for tuberculosis is 18 minutes ;
D. It is the time required for a bacterial cell to grow and divide.

Which is not right about the bacterial growth?

A. It means an increase in the size of a population of bacteria.
B. Division is the main event of growth.
Chromosomes are duplicated before division.
D. It means an increase in size of a bacterium cell.

Which four phases happen in right order in the bacterial growth curve?

A. logarithmic, stationary, death phase, lag.
B. lag; logarithmic, stationary, death phase.
C. stationary, lag, logarithmic, death phase.
D. lag, stationary, logarithmic, death phase.
