The famous British animal welfare scholar John Webster's "Five Freedoms" of animal welfares refer to:
A. freedom from thirst and hunger
B. freedom from discomfort
C. freedom from pain, injury, and disease
D. freedom to express most normal behavior; freedom from fear and distress
The famous British animal welfare scholar John Webster's "Three Principles" for animal welfares refer to:
A. living a natural life
B. being fit and healthy
C. being happy
D. all the above
Animal studies have ____________ implications.
A. ethical
B. legal
C. social
D. all the above
Professor IanDuncan fromSchool of Veterinary Medicine,University of Wisconsin - Madison,hasdefinedanimalwelfareas:"Animalwelfareistodowiththefeelingsexperiencedbyanimals:theabsenceofstrongnegativefeelings,usuallycalled_____________,and(probably)thepresenceofpositivefeelings,usuallycalledpleasure.Inanyassessmentofwelfare,itisthesefeelingsthatshouldbeassessed".