How long does it take to build a semi-trailer in Mark's new factory?
A. It takes between one to two months
B. It takes eight weeks.
C. It takes eight months.
Why did the cost of a Model T car drop after the introduction of the assembly line?
A. The products were more efficient.
B. The production was more efficient.
C. The assembly line was cheaper.
Who are more likely to make mistakes at work?
A. Workers who are tired.
B. Workers who are bored.
C. Workers who drill holes.
When might a worker need to use a variety of skills?
A. When he or she creates a complete product.
B. When a product is complete.
C. When the work is tedious.
How can you get paid more when you are paid piece rate?
A. You just produce more.
B. You ask for more money.
C. You are motivated.