The sale of turkeys in the United States is highest in mid- to late November, as people buy turkeys to serve at Thanksgiving. Grocery stores that specifically advertise turkeys at this time of year are segmenting on the basis of ________.
A. benefits
B. user status
C. buyer-readiness stage
D. demographics
E. occasion
Linda was buying all her groceries from Home Needs supermarket for the past 5 years. She recently came across The Convenience Store(便利店), another supermarket just a few miles away from her place and started buying her groceries from them. Linda can be best described as a(n) ________.
A. split loyal
B. antiloyal
C. shifting loyal
D. hard-core loyal
E. switcher
月末计提本月生产车间机器设备等固定资产折旧费113000元。下列会计分录正确的是( )。
A. 借:生产成本113000贷:累计折旧113000
B. 借:制造费用113000贷:累计折旧113000
C. 借:管理费用113000贷:累计折旧113000
D. 主营业务成本113000贷:累计折旧113000
When Amy goes shopping for clothes, she goes into every store in the mall looking for the best deal. She is very price conscious(价格敏感). On the basis of loyalty status, Amy can be described as a(n) ________.
A. switcher
B. split loyal
C. shifting loyal
D. hard-core loyal
E. anti-loyal
Mothers-to-be(准妈妈) are potential users who will turn into heavy users of infant products and services. By targeting mothers-to-be as future heavy users, producers of these products and services are segmenting consumers on the basis of ________.
A. attitude
B. buyer-readiness stage
C. loyalty status
D. user status
E. benefits