
现在的人力资源管理其实就是人事管理,只不过就是换了个词罢了,他们其实是一回事。( )

A. 对
B. 错


1 It is not that I don't like this singer. The fact is that I'm not very ____ country music.2 The cost __ directly ___ the amount of time spent on the project.3 ________, it was my fault that we lost the match.4 Girls may bring their boy friends to the party and ________.5 He is always ready to help others; _______ he'll be willing to help you, too.6 You must pay $2,000; ______, you will have to go to prison.7 He cannot ride a bicycle, _______ a motorbike.8 _______ worrying about Jim; he is now with his aunt who loves him and will no doubt take good care of him.9 He wants to improve his English by reading dictionaries, but _____ it is not an effective method of learning.10 I called Linda last night and asked her if the exhibition of Chinese paintings in her university _____ seeing.

Directions: In the text, the author talks about some common misunderstandings about language learning. Please scan the text and find out what these misunderstandings are. Put a tick in the brackets.

A. It's easier to learn English by reading newspapers.
B. If you learn the language with the right method, with little effort you can speak the language fluently in no time.
C. There is a perfect way of teaching a language in every possible situation.
D. Good teachers have many good methods of teaching a language.
E. Good teachers teach a language to students according to their personalities.
F. Going to a country to learn its language is the only way to learn it effectively.
G. Students can learn a language effectively by working hard with the help of their dictionaries.
H. Each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language.
I. Successful language learning can be achieved by repeating phrases and drilling.
J. A language is a few sets of fixed expressions.
K. Understanding is very important when one is learning a language.
Language is a means of communication.
M. A language can be learned by oneself alone.


A. 7~10天
B. 14~21天
C. 25~30天
D. 40天
E. 5~60天


A. 增加迷走神经兴奋性
B. 增加外周阻力
C. 降低肺泡内泡沫表面张力
D. 降低肺泡表面张力
E. 降低吸入气体的细菌浓度
