
Which one is not the objectives of the TPR?

A. read and translate its literature
B. oral proficiency at the beginning level
C. basic speaking skills
D. uninhibited communication intelligible to native speakers


TPR is based on the idea that the human brain has a biological program used to acquire any natural language on earth.

A. 对
B. 错

TPR is suitable for specific actions, but unsuitable for abstract ideas.

A. 对
B. 错

TPR activities requires a great deal of preparation on the part of the students.

A. 对
B. 错

南京国民政府成立前后,在全国开展“清党”运动,据不完全统计,从1927年3月到1928年上半年,共产党人和革命群众被杀害的达31万多人。以上史实不能说明( )

A. 南京国民政府是代表大地主、大资产阶级利益的政权
B. 南京国民政府实行反共反人民的政策
C. 南京国民政府“围剿”红军,对日实行不抵抗政策
D. 南京国民政府实行一党专政和独裁统治
