
Which of the following proposals best responds to the issues raised by the author? ______

A. Innovative programs using multiple approaches should be set up to reduce the level of unemployment.
B. A compromise should be found between the positions of those who view joblessness as an evil greater than economic control and those who hold the opposite view.
C. New statistical indices should be developed to measure the degree to which unemployment and inadequately paid employment cause suffering.
D. Consideration should be given to the ways in which statistics can act as partial causes of the phenomena that they purport to measure.


听力原文:Why didn't Joe consult with his advisor before starting the dress code campaign in the company? Now he is facing being fired.

A. I wondered if Joe has finished his research.
B. I'm interested in his advisor's projections.
C. I think Joe should have talked to his advisor.
D. I'm curious to know why Joe hasn't been consulted.

Which of the following is NOT true about Resveratrol? ______

A. Resveratrol is a healthy substance found in the skin of red grapes.
B. Resveratrol is higher in concentration in white wine than red wine.
C. Grape pulp extract (white wine) was equally effective in protecting rats from a heart attack as grape skin extract (red wine).
D. Most of the antioxidant benefits of wine come from the grape itself, not the fact that it's fermented.

A.An adult's response to rhythm in music would be less natural.B.An adult's response t

An adult's response to rhythm in music would be less natural.
B. An adult's response to rhythm in music would be more active.
C. An adult's response to rhythm in music would be more restrained.
D. An adult's response to rhythm in music would be less indifferent.

According to the author, a flowering plant species whose fecundity has declined due to pesticide spraying may not experience an overall population decline if the plant species can do which of the following? ______

A. Reproduce itself by means of shoots and runners.
B. Survive to the end of the growing season.
C. Survive in harsh climates.
D. Respond to the fecundity decline by producing more flowers.
