Translate the following sentences into english ,using the given words or phrases.2. As the first Asian international action star,he smashed the western stereotype of the Chinese.
Translate the following sentences into english ,using the given words or phrases.3. one of Disney's favorite dreams was to create a new kind of amusement park --a place where parents and children could all go and have fun together .
客户的钱包份额在衡量客户忠诚度的指标中是指( )。
A. 客户重复购买的次数
B. 客户购买量占其对该产品总需求的比例
C. 客户购买时的挑选时间
D. 客户对产品的认同度
( )是指客户由于公司提供的产品和服务有空间、时间等方面的方便性而重复购买。
A. 惰性忠诚
B. 方便忠诚
C. 垄断忠诚
D. 激励忠诚
影响客户忠诚的因素很多,但最重要的是客户满意、愉悦和信赖三个方面。( )
A. 对
B. 错