Which of the following risks is not covered by the All Risks coverage of marine cargo transportation insurance.( )
A. delay
B. flood
C. 1ightning
D. heavy weather
The( )is the person or company who has concluded a contract with the shipper for carriage of goods by sea.
A. Shipper
B. receiver
D. Carrier
( )means that a charterer hires a ship for a particular voyage.
A. Time chartering
B. Voyage chartering
C. bareboat chartering
D. A+B+C
下列体现了需求定律的是( )。
A. 药品价格提高,使药品质量得到了提高
B. 汽油价格提高,小汽车的销售量减少
C. 丝绸价格提高,游览公园的人数增加
D. 照相机价格下降,导致销售量增加
在绩效管理过程中,人力资源管理部门的职责是( )。
A. 具体确定本部门考核指标的内容和标准
B. 与员工进行沟通,制定绩效改进计划
C. 保存考核的结果
D. 审核各部门的奖惩建议