
What result has the first research found?

A. The roots of trees can save nutrients in the soil.
B. The trees can steady the flow of the rivers.
C. In the next 30 years, the water demand will add by around 50%.
D. Trees trap much less water than they consume in arid areas.


From the last two paragraphs, we know that

A. if each individual counts, one-third of wolves have to be vaccinated.
B. Dr. Haydon proved epidemiologists' standard assumption is right.
C. to vaccinate 10% to 25% of wolves living in the connected meadows is enough.
D. it takes 20 years to reduce risk of extinction if all the wolves are targeted.

Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. South Africa regards planting trees as a basic human right.
B. India had a lot of problems when carrying out the tree-planting schemes.
C. South Africa will punish those forestry companies that cut trees.
D. Indian farmers can drill as many boreholes as they want.

The Ethiopian wolf

A. is facing the risk of extinction as the rarest carnivore.
B. is separated into three groups to achieve survival.
C. lives in narrow valleys in the Bale Mountains.
D. has altogether 350 alive in the world.

The main idea of the text is that

A. trees return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere after they consume them.
B. planting trees can worsen drought and fail to tackle climate change.
C. water demand will increase and many people will live in conditions of severe water stress.
D. South Africa and India need to limit planting trees and forestry industry to save water.
