3. They range from public relations to direct mail and include consumer promotions (such as special offers), in-store displays, business-to-business promotions (like paying a retailer for shelf space), telemarketing, exhibitions, sponsoring events, product placements and more.
4. Is it more cost-effective, for instance, to use a public relations agency to invite a journalist out to lunch and persuade him to write about a product than to pay for a display ad in that journalist’s newspaper?
5. Some advertisers think it will be a highly cost-effective way of reaching certain groups of consumers. But not everyone uses the Internet, and nor is it seen as being particularly good at building brands.
Translate the following passage into English. Some of the key words have been given in the brackets.许多品牌面临的一个共同挑战是突破混乱的定位,以有意义的方式与目标受众(target audience) 建立联系。以下是一些小建议来帮助你的品牌发声。首先,发布吸引人的、可分享的内容,这些内容需要与品牌密切相关且能够引起受众兴趣,这是树 立受众品牌意识(brand awareness)的极好方式。关键是内容要避免过于以销售为导向,而应关注当下 的热点话题并且能够让人们乐于分享给他人。另外,社交媒体是 很好的发布内容的平台,因为它们 具有 即时性,且可以在广大受众之间共享。但是要注意,在使用社交媒体时不要推送“社群垃圾”给你的受 众,而是要真正地倾听受众的反馈并将其付诸实践。社交媒体只有在你的品牌和受众之间充当双向互 动的通道时,才能有效地运作。
A. 感知运动阶段
B. 前运算阶段
C. 具体运算阶段
D. 形式运算阶段