
Status incongruence can be upsetting to employees because it sends a signal that organizational accomplishments ________.

A. are rewarded fairly and justly
B. are always rewarded
C. are never rewarded
D. are not always rewarded fairly and justly


Small groups appear to perform better when it comes to ________.

A. problem solving
B. getting diverse input into a problem
C. speed of performing tasks
D. finding facts

Large groups appear to perform better when the goal of the group is to ________.

A. find facts
B. create consensus on a new product
C. interpret facts
D. solve problems quickly

The primary reason for why social loafing occurs is that output contributions from ________ easily be measured.

A. the entire group can
B. the entire group cannot
C. individuals can
D. individuals cannot

Group cohesiveness is largely a measure of how ________.

A. clear the group's goals are
B. much individuals share the group's goals
C. attainable the group's goals are
D. much the group's goals match organizational goals
