A. down
B. along
C. beside
D. near
A. 专题分析
B. 全面分析
C. 外部分析
D. 内部分析
As you are students of English,its very possible that you’ll be interested in England.
A. Britain
B. England
C. Great Britain
D. Ireland
A. way
B. hope
C. consideration
D. possible
根据下列材料回答下列各 题。 Passage Four Why is there no risk to the customer when a bank prints the customer’s name to his cheques? Wenn yone opens a cuITent account at a bank,he is lending the bank money,repay.ment of which he mayDemand at any time,either in cash or byDrawing a check in favor of an-other person. Primarily,the bank—customer relationship is that ofDebtor and creditor-who iswhichDepending on whether the customers account is in credit or overdrawn.But.in additionto that basically simple concept,the bank and its customer owe a large number of obligations toone another.Many of these obligations Can give rise to problems and complications but a bankcustomer,unlike,say,a buyer of goods,cannot complain that th.e law is loaded against him.The bank must obey its cUStomers instructions,and not those of anyone else.When, forexample,a customer first opens an account,he instructs the bank toDebit(把……记入借方)his aecount only in respect of ehecksDrawn by himself.He gives the bank specimens of his819nature,and there is a very firm rule that the bank has no right or authority to pay out acustomer’s money on a check on which its customers signature has been forged.It makes nodifference that the fbrgery may haye been a very skillful one:the bank must recogllize itscustomers signature.For this reason there is no risk to the customer in the practice,adoptedday banks,of printing the customers name on his checks.If this facilitates forgery,it is thebank which will lose,not the customer. When you have a bank account,you_________.
A. must always be in credit
B. Can’t draw any money if you’re overdrawn
C. can draw money without notice
D. Can’t pay money to anyone else