Which of the following states might legalize gay marriage in the near future?
A. California, New Jersey, New York, Orgeon and Washington.
B. Alaska, Hawaii, Nebraska and Nevada.
C. Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Utah and Wisconsin.
D. 10 other states that are not mentioned above.
Imposition of a country's tariff on imported furniture______.
A. benefits domestic consumers by guaranteeing a high-quality product
B. benefits domestic furniture producers by eliminating competitors
C. harms foreign consumers of furniture by decreasing the amount of furniture available for their consumption
D. harms furniture workers in the country
A. 发热、头痛、咽痛
B. 发热、吞咽痛、皮疹
C. 发热、咽峡炎、皮疹
D. 因痛、吞咽痛、局部充血
E. 发热、咽痛、皮肤充血
A. 在中国共产党领导下,在人民当家作主的基础上,依法治国,发展社会主义民主政治
B. 坚持和完善以工人阶级为领导的,以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政
C. 坚持和完善人民代表大会制度
D. 坚持和完善民族区域自治制度
A. 是子宫性闭经
B. 是卵巢性闭经
C. 是垂体性闭经
D. 是下丘脑性闭经
E. 不是子宫性闭经