To call Henry Ford "the man who put the world on wheels", the author means
A. he made quality wheels famous to the whole world.
B. he produced cars for free for people all over the world.
C. his innovation made it possible for anyone to own a car.
D. his innovation provided everyone in the world with a car.
The phrase "a level playing field" in Paragraph 6 means
A. a field for playing level games.
B. a level for playing field games.
C. a phenomenon of inequality.
D. a platform. of fair competition.
Which of the following works expressed the desire for an escape from society and a return
A. Dreiser's Sister Carrie.
B. James's The Portrait of a Lady.
C. Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.
D. Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
The idea of assembly line came from
A. slaughter houses.
B. Japan.
C. auto engines.
D. cars.
According to the passage, "local dynamos" are firms that
A. are venturing abroad most eagerly.
B. tend to be more capital-intensive.
C. are prey to "export fetishism".
D. mostly focus on home market.