
What statement is not right about gonococcal infection?

A. It causes gonorrhea,
B. It affects the endocervix and urethra in females.
C. It is transmitted via sexual contact,
D. It never affect children.


Which one of the following pathogenic cocci may infect the cervix and other parts of the uterus, including the Fallopian tubes in women?

A. staphylococcus,
B. streptococcus
C. gonococcus,
D. pneumococcus

Which statement is not right about infection of gonococcus?

A. Gonococcus causes septicemia and bacteremia in most infected patients .
B. Sexual transmission may cause the dissemination of the disease among population;
C. The disease caused by gonococcus is gonorrhea;
D. Gonococcal infection affects the reproductive tracts of the patients.

Which statement is not right about diagnosis of gonococcal infection?

A. Inoculate the specimen on chocolate plate to isolate the gonococcus;
B. Gonococcal colony is alpha-hemolytic on chocolate plate.
C. Observing Gram negative diplococcus can determine infection;
D. Collect discharged pus from urinal tract as specimen;

Which virulent factors could cause damage to the immunity of the patient infected with gonococcus?

A. Ig A protease
B. P-I protein in outer membrane
C. P-II protein in outer membrane
D. P-III protein in outer membrane
