吴道子的艺术身份The artist Wu Daizi
worked as a()吴道子的艺术身份The artist Wu Daizi
worked as a()
A. 画家painter
B. 书法家calligrapher
C. 雕塑家sculptor
D. 篆刻家seal engraver
二祖调心图是石恪的作品,他用的是什么描法What technique did
Shi Ke use in Two Patriarchs Harmonizing Their Minds()二祖调心图是石恪的作品,他用的是什么描法What technique did
Shi Ke use in Two Patriarchs Harmonizing Their Minds()
A. 兰叶描orchid leaf line
B. 折芦描folded rush leaf line
C. 枣核描jujube pit line
D. 混描mixed and layered
E. line
下列作品哪些采用琴弦描Which of the below
works use the zither string line()下列作品哪些采用琴弦描Which of the below
works use the zither string line()
A. 八十七神仙卷The Eighty-seven Immortals
B. 后赤壁赋Ode on the Red Cliff
C. 伯牙鼓琴图Bo Ya Playing the Zither for His Friend
D. 五马图Five Tribute Horses
北齐杨子华《北齐校书图》所采用的描法为The drawing technique
Yang Zihua of Northern Qi used in Northern Qi Scholars Collating Classic
Texts is()北齐杨子华《北齐校书图》所采用的描法为The drawing technique
Yang Zihua of Northern Qi used in Northern Qi Scholars Collating Classic
Texts is()
A. 高古游丝描archaic gossamer line
B. 钉头鼠尾描nail-head and
C. mouse-tail line
D. C.行云流水描scudding-cloud-and-running-water
E. line
F. D.铁线描iron wire line
下列作品哪些采用高古游丝描Which of the below
works use the archaic gossamer line()下列作品哪些采用高古游丝描Which of the below
works use the archaic gossamer line()
A. 女史箴图Admonition of the Imperial Instructress
B. 洛神赋Nymph of the Luo River
C. 八高僧图卷Illustrations to Events in the Lives of Eight Famous Monks
D. 步辇图Emperor Taizong in a Sedan Chair Greeting Three Envoys from Tibet