
This passage indicates that human beings differ from computers in that human beings______.

A. do not have to be programed
B. make fewer errors
C. understand their instructions
D. work more quickly


The writer implies that using salt to keep roads safe has all the following disadvantages

A. salt corrodes underground cables
B. salt pollutes the air
C. salt poisons streams and kills trees
D. salt damages roads and vehicles

It can be inferred from the passage that for many years salt has been used to keep roads safe because______.

A. salt can keep roads and vehicles in good condition
B. salt is the best choice
C. salt is thought to be comparatively cheap
D. salt can not be replaced by any other alternatives


A. 世界抗击艾滋病会议的代表中有中国中央电视台台长和东方电视台台长,香港凤凰卫视总裁也应邀出席了会议。
B. 他每天骑着摩托车,从城东到城西,从城南到城北,把180多家医院、照相馆、出版社等单位的废定影液一点一滴地收藏起来。
C. 王老师去师范学院上课了。
D. 一大早,张指导员把我们几个连的干部叫到了团部,说是要布置工作。

如果一个社会只允许有“成功/失败”的二元对立语境存在,这个社会是有问题的。事实上,本来就不应该用这种武断的二元对立模式来进行价值判断,有人愿意成功向上、出人头地,这无可厚非,但也要允许一些人发发呆、做做梦,过点没有多少追求的小日子。每个人的性格、成长经历都各自不同,不是非得每个人都得走不是成功就是失败这两条路,在这两条路之间,还有N条路通向各人所理解的成功。 这段话主要支持了这样一个观点,即()。

A. 每个人心中都有不同的标准,成功不能统一。
B. 那些发呆、做梦的人永远都不可能获得成功
C. 持有“成功失败”二元观点的人是有问题的
D. 判断一个人成功与否要和其性格与经历结合起来
