Most workers learn what is expected as far as performance on the job from group ________.
A. roles
B. size
C. cohesiveness
D. norms
Group norms typically are ________.
A. grading systems
B. not very powerful
C. accepted standards
D. always set by leadership
Which of the following would be an example of a group norm?
A. Company policies on absenteeism
B. Acceptable ways of dressing
C. Hiring policies prohibiting discrimination
D. Rules against sexual harassment
Solomon Asch carried out pioneering studies in understanding ________.
A. group status
B. group roles
C. group size
D. group conformity
Asch was surprised most by finding that in some conditions, group members would provide information that they knew to be ________.
A. slightly exaggerated
B. vague
C. wrong
D. not fully substantiated