
Asch was surprised most by finding that in some conditions, group members would provide information that they knew to be ________.

A. slightly exaggerated
B. vague
C. wrong
D. not fully substantiated


Asch's results are attributed to the tendency of people in groups to ________.

A. try to distinguish themselves
B. go along with the pack
C. stand up for what they know is right
D. swim against the current

Members of an organization typically ________ the status of other organizational members.

A. agree about
B. disagree about
C. cannot recognize
D. refuse to recognize

A low-ranking employee having the best parking space in the company parking lot is an example of ________.

A. status congruence
B. status incongruence
C. a status category
D. a status level

Status incongruence can be upsetting to employees because it sends a signal that organizational accomplishments ________.

A. are rewarded fairly and justly
B. are always rewarded
C. are never rewarded
D. are not always rewarded fairly and justly
