It is a tradition for Chinese people, when dinning, to sit around the table and share the same dishes. Different from that the westerners place flowers at the center of the dining table, the Chinese place dishes in the middle so that people could share them together. This custom reflects the importance of food in Chinese civilization. What is more important, this way of dinning facilitates(促进) the communication among diners. Usually, after a dinner, the relationships between friends get closer and the business partners deepen their mutual understanding. People would sometimes put the food into the bowls of the guests or the elders to show respect for them.
People who live in different areas of China have different kinds of food. Those in the north mainly prefer food made of flour while those in the south mostly eat rice. Along the coastal areas, sea food and freshwater products make up a considerable proportion of people’s diet whereas in other places, meat and dairy products are more common. The residents in Sichuan, Hunan and other provinces favor spicy food, but the citizens in Jiangsu and Zhejiang are fond of sweet food. However, owing to various cooking methods, the same food might taste different.
电压源与电流源的等效变化是针对( )。
A. 电源的内部
B. 电源的外部
C. 两者都不是
A. 对
B. 错
已知数据库有如下7张表:1、SalesOrders 为销售订单表。有4个字段分别为OrderId(销售订单号), EmployeeId(销售员编号), RequreDate(要求到货日期), Shipdate(实际发货日)。2、SODetails 为销售订单详情。 有3个字段分别为OrderId(对应SalesOrders中的销售订单号),Productid(产品号),Qty(销售数量)。3、PurchaseOrders 为采购订单。有4个字段为Poid(采购订单编号), Employeeid(采购员编号),RequireDate(需求日期),Shipdate(发货日期)。4、PODetails 为采购订单详情。有3个字段为POid(对应PurchaseOrders 中的采购订单号),Productid(产品号),Qty(采购数量)。5、Products 为产品表。 有4个字段为Prodid(产品号),Name(产品名称),Price(销售价格),Cost(采购价格)。6、Employees 为员工表。有5个字段为Empid(员工工号),Name(姓名),Managerid(上司编号),Depid(所属部门编号),Salary(工资)。7、Department 为部门表。 有2个字段为Depid(部门编号),Name(部门名称)。根据7张表的关系,分别写出如下11道题目东查询语句:1、销售订单总数。想要得到的查询结果:2、销售订单订单号为1020的销售订单详情。想要得到的查询结果(只截取的开头数据):3、产品销售额排序。 想要得到的查询结果(只截取的开头数据):4、每个销售订单净利润。 想要得到的查询结果(只截取的开头数据):5、找出没有按时寄出的订单与责任人。想要得到的查询结果:6、当前产品库存量。想要得到的查询结果:7、每个部门人数。想要得到的查询结果:8、每个部门里年收入最高的员工。想要得到的查询结果:9、年收入比他们上司公司高的员工。想要得到的查询结果:10、2015年每个月的采购总额。想要得到的查询结果:11、销售员销量排行榜。想要得到的查询结果: