腰椎间盘突出症的分型不包括?(Which does not be included by the classification of lumbar disc herniation?)
A. 脱出型 (Detachable tyoe)
B. 断裂型 (Fracture type)
C. 游离型 (Free type)
D. 膨出型 (Bulging type)
最有利于腰椎健康的习惯是?(Which is the most beneficial habit ro lumbar spine health?)
A. 越瘦越好 (The thinner the better)
B. 消瘦 (Emaciation)
C. 肥胖 (Obesity)
D. 体型匀称 (Shapely)
以下不属于不良坐姿的是?(Which of the following is not a unhealthy sitting posture?)
A. 蹲在凳子上用电脑 (Crouching on a stool to use a computer)
B. 趴在桌子上写作业 (Lying on the desk and writing homework)
C. 低头弯腰用电脑 (Bending down to use a computer)
D. 使用电脑时屏幕与眼睛同一水平 (When using the computer, the screen should be at the same level as the eyes)
大多数腰椎病患者最先出现的症状是?(Which is the first symptom of most patients with lumbar spondylosis?)
A. 脚麻 (Numbness in legs)
B. 大腿痛 (Thigh pain)
C. 腰痛 (Low back pain)
D. 大小便失禁 (Incontinence)
关于直腿抬高试验说法错误的是?(Which is wrong about the straight leg lifting test?)
A. 正常人可抬高80度以上 (Normal people can raise their legs more than 80 degrees)
B. 试验时踝关节、膝关节应伸直 (The ankle and knee joints should be straightened during the test)
C. 应缓慢抬高 (Should raise the leg slowly)
D. 抬高受限或感到疼痛剧烈,为直腿抬高试验阳性 (Limited lift or severe pain, positive for straight leg lift test)