【病例摘要】 患者,男,31岁。 1月来中上腹胀痛,每因情志不舒而胀痛明显,伴嗳气频繁,时有泛酸。 查体:T37℃,P72次/分,R18次/分,Bp110/70mmHg。剑突下压痛,腹平软无包块,墨菲氏征(一),肝脾肋下未及。舌质淡红,苔薄白,脉弦。 辅助检查:白细胞7.1×109/L,中性粒细胞0.61。胃镜示胃小弯处有一个0.5cm×0.7cm溃疡,边缘光整。幽门螺杆菌(+)。 【答题要求】
A. 肠型化生
B. 假幽门腺化生
C. 中性粒细胞浸润
D. 淋巴细胞浸润
E. 腺体破坏及减少
VRML is a(1)for 3D multimedia and shared virtual worlds on the WWW. In comparison to HTML, VRML adds the next level of interaction, structured graphics, and extra(2)(z and time) to the presentation of documents. The applications of VRML are(3),ranging from simple business graphics to entertaining WWW page graphics, manufacturing, scientific, entertainment, and educational applications, and 3D shared virtual worlds and communities. X3D is the name under which the development of VRML is continued. X3D is based on XML and is backwards(4)with VRML. Furthermore, it is componentized, profiled, and extensible, which makes it possible to use X3D in very different(5),from high-end visualizations to lightweight applications.空白(1)处应选择()
A. link
B. format
C. structure
D. procedure