A. 邻苯二甲酸氢钾
B. NH3—NH4Cl
C. NaHCO3—Na2CO3
D. HAc—NaAc
A. 质量保证
B. 质量检验
C. 质量改进
D. 质量监督
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 航行于沿海航区,航程距庇护地距离≥10nmile的客船;
B. 航行于近海航区的客船;
C. 上海—宁波航线的客船;
D. 海口—湛江航线的客船
Some xSeries servers support 4-way memory interleaving and some support 2-way interleaving. In both types of interleaving, the data is accessed 256 bits at a time. How is this 256-bit data access achieved with 2-way interleaving?()
A. The DIMMs used for 2-way interleaving are double the width of DIMM used in 4-way interleaving.
B. The DIMMs used for 2-way interleaving are 64-bit wide and data bits are accessed both on the rising edge and falling edge of the clock cycle.
C. The DIMMs used for 2-way interleaving are 32-bit wide and data bits are accessed both on the rising edge and falling edge of the clock cycle.
D. The DIMMs used for 2-way interleaving are double the width and data bits are accessed both on the rising edge and falling edge of the clock cycle.