the important happenings in _5_ country
A. our
B. your
C. their
D. his
because they _12_
A. have not learned to write
B. have learned to write
C. had learned how to write
D. had not learned to write
不良行为记录是指建筑市场各方主体在建设工程中违反有关工程建设的法律法规、规章或强制性标准和执业行业规范,经 () 级以上建设行政主管部门或者其委托的执法监督机构查实和行政处罚所形成的记录。
A. 乡(镇)
B. 县
C. 市
D. 省
A. 发明
B. 实用新型
C. 外观设计
D. 设计方案