
甲乙两人是在某技校结识的朋友。2017 年 10 月 12 日,二人共同出资购买一台价格为 50 万元的挖掘机。甲出资 10 万元,乙出资 40 万元。双方约定按照出资比例共有。2018年 8 月 2 日,乙发函征询丁的购买意向,同时告知甲:正在寻找份额买主,甲须在接到通知书之日起 15日内决定是否行使优先购买权。甲认为乙转让份额应征得其同意,且乙尚在寻找份额买主,在未告知任何交易条件的情况下,要求其在接到通知之日起 15 日内决定是否行使优先购买权不符合法律规定,遂对乙的通知置之不理。问:乙要求甲在接到通知之日起 15 日内决定是否行使优先购买权,是否符合法律规定?并说明理由。


Which pathogen of the following infectious disesses belong to the group of accelular microorganism?

A. syphilis
B. gonorrhea
C. acquired immunodefiency sydromes
D. invasive pulmonary aspergillosis

Which one is not the property of microorganism?

A. simple in structure
B. tiny in size
C. all types microorganism have cell stucture;
D. They are only observed by light microscope or elctronic microscope

Which cellular structure is important in classifying a bacterial species asGram positive or Gram negative?

A. flagella
B. cell wall
C. cell membrane
DNA sequence in chromosome

Which of the following method is right about Gram stain?

A. Crystal violet stain – iodine fixation--- alcohol destain – safranine restain.
B. Crystal violet stain – alcohol destain --- safranine restain -- iodine fixation.
C. Iodine stain –Crystal violet fixation--- alcohol destain – safranine restain.
D. Safranine stain – iodine fixation--- alcohol destain –Crystal violet restain.
