The brief history of English Teaching in China includes:
A phase of restoration (1978-1985 )
B. A phase of rapid development (1986-1992)
C. A phase of reform(1993-2000)
D. A phase of innovation( From 2000)
The 1st English school was set up by the ________Dynasty in 1862
线路上DK10+000 中的DK 的意思是( )。
A. 定测里程
B. 初测里程
C. 既有线里程
D. 线路名称
The requirements of offering English in the primary school are _________.
A. Qualified teachers are needed who understand not only the English language but also how children think and learn as children are different in many ways from adolescents and adults.
B. Teacher need to develop special skills in managing,guiding and facilitating children in learning.
Clear goals and objectives for teaching English to children should be established.
D. Positive environment need to be created to provide rich learning resources.
E. To ensure success of teaching foreign language to children,we should follow the same method we used to teach older children and adults.