
Which of the following is probably NOT true according to the passage

A. Even friends may have differences of opinions.
B. Friends never argue with each other.
C. It generally takes time for people to become close friends.
D. Someone's habits may annoy his friends.


下列说法不正确的是( )。

A. 如果销售合同涉及货物的运输,则卖方应当把货物移交给第一承运人
B. 如果不涉及运输,而合同指的是特定货物或从特定存货中提取的或尚待制造或生产的未经特定化的货物,并且双方当事人在订立合同时已知道这些货物是在某一特定地点,或将在某一特定地点制造或生产,则卖方应在该地点交付货物
C. 一般情况下,卖方应在他于订立合同时的营业地把货物交给买方处置
D. 一般情况下,卖方应在他于订立合同时的签字地把货物交给买方处置

下列选项对反倾销的裁定描述错误的是( )。

A. 反倾销的裁定分为初步裁定和终局裁定
B. 初步裁定的内容是对倾销和损害的确定以及对两者之间的因果关系是否成立作出的决定
C. 初裁决定确定倾销、损害以及二者之间的因果关系成立的,商务部应当对倾销及倾销幅度、损害及损害程度继续进行调查,并根据调查结果分别作出终裁决定
D. 在作出终裁决定后,应当由商务部将终裁决定所依据的基本事实通知所有已知的利害关系方

Where is the unusual Children Restaurant

A. [A] In Holland.
B. [B] In Poland.
C. [C] In England.

In paragraph two, "being the same on the wavelength" means ______.

A. using the same frequency while talking
B. keeping the same friendly relationship as other people do
C. having similar ideas, belief, attitudes and interest
D. having the same background
