In paragraph two, "being the same on the wavelength" means ______.
A. using the same frequency while talking
B. keeping the same friendly relationship as other people do
C. having similar ideas, belief, attitudes and interest
D. having the same background
根据关贸总协定所确定的反倾销法的一般原则,当某一国对某种进口产品采取反烦销措施时,必须满足的条件不包括 ( )。
A. 必须证明进口产品存在倾销,即该产品的出口价格低于其正常价值
B. 必须证明这种倾销对进口国的相关工业造成实质损害或有造成实质损害的威胁,或者实质阻止了该国某一相关工业的建立
C. 倾销与损害之间存在着因果关系
D. 实施倾销的主体存在着主观过错
A. 'a'<=c<='2'
B. (c>=A) &&(c<=
C. ('a'>= ||('z'<=
D. (c>='a')&&(c<='z')
If you want to have a meal in the restaurant, what should you do first
A. [A] Make a reservation.
B. [B] Telephone them.
C. [C] Just go there.
倾销,是指在正常贸易过程中进口产品以( )进人中华人民共和国市场。
A. 低于正常价值
B. 低于进口价格
C. 低于其正常价值的进口价格
D. 低于其正常价值的出口价格