
我国基础教育实施“一纲多本”的教材使用原则,这里的“纲”指的是( )

A. 课程标准
B. 课程计划
C. 教学计划
D. 教学原则


关于综合课程,下列描述中正确的是( )

A. 是由两门或两门以上相邻学科的知识渗透、融合而成的课程
B. 强调学科之间的关联性与统一性
C. 是基于各门学科之间内在联系编制而成的课程
D. 它是针对分科课程而言的

关于课程标准叙述正确的是( )

A. 课程标准必须认真研究和把握
B. 课程标准是国家课程的纲领性文件
C. 课程标准有一定弹性,教师不必严格执行
D. 课程标准可作为教师检查自己教学质量的依据

以下说法不正确的是( )

A. 课程具体表现为课程计划、课程标准和教科书
B. 最早提出活动课程思想的是杜威
C. 分科课程强调各门课程各自的逻辑体系,教学以各个学科知识为中心分科进行
D. 将活动课程付诸实践的是卢梭

Listen to the two dialogues and then fill in the blanks.Dialogue 1 (W=Waiter C=Customer) C: Hi, waiter. Can you _____1___ over here ?W: Of course. What’s the _____2______, sir?C: Can you make out what this is?W: Oh my god. I think that’s a cockroach.C: So there’s _______3_____wrong with my eyes.W: I’m terribly sorry. We will replace the dish and refund your ______4____.Dialogue 2 (W=Waiter C=Customer) W: Good evening, sir. Do you have a reservation?C: Well, I’m afraid not .W: I’m very sorry. There are no tables _____5_______now. Would you mind waiting for a minute?C: No. I don’t mind.W: Do you prefer the smoking or the non-smoking _____6______, or whatever comes first?C: Whatever comes first.W: OK, please take a seat.(15 minutes later)W: Sorry to keep you waiting, sir. Now we have tables available in the non-smoking section. Thisway, please.C: Thank you. Can you ________7___ the menu, please ?W: Here it is. Are you ready to ______8_____ now ?C: Yes. What kind of drink do you have for an aperitif?W: I recommend red wine.C: Then a glass of red wine. What is the specialty of the house?W: Lobster, sir.C: How is that cooked?W: It is steamed and served with our special sauce. It’s the most _______9____ dish here .C: Then I think I will try it. And I want some green salad.W: What kind of dressing ( 沙拉调料 ) would you like? We have French and Italian.C: French, please.W: OK. Anything else?C: No, that’s all for tonight.W: OK. Just a moment, sir.
