He read the newspapers regularly __________ about the world situation.
A. to be well informed
B. to have well informed
C. well informed
D. well informing
John was so worn out that he just _______down and slept for 24 hours.
A. lied
B. laid
C. lay
D. had lain
A. 公司在清算期间开展与清算无关的经营活动的,由公司登记机关予以警告,没收违法所得
B. 清算组不依照规定向公司登记机关报送清算报告,
C. 清算组成员利用职权徇私舞弊、谋取非法收入或者侵占公司财产的,没收违法所得, 并可以处以违法所得3倍以上10倍以下的罚款
D. 清算组不依法向公司登记机关报送清算报告,或者报送清算报告隐瞒重要事实或者有重大遗漏的,由公司登记机关责令改正
I’d appreciate it if you could arrange a visit to the Forbidden City for me.
A. 分泌有波动性
B. 受血皮质醇浓度的负反馈
C. 有早低晚高的昼夜节律
D. 受CRF调节
E. 应激时分泌明显增加