Where is Gatsby’s mansion located?
A. East Egg
B. Park Avenue
C. West Egg
D. Brooklyn
Where does Gatsby’s reunion with Daisy take place?
A. By the pool
B. At Nick’s house
C. At the golf tournament 比赛
D. At the yacht[jɔt] 快艇 race
Who drives the car that kills Myrtle?
A. Jordan
B. Daisy
C. Gatsby
D. Tom
When he was a poor army lieutenant , Gatsby had fallen in love with __________, Nick's beautiful cousin,
Linux系统中通过Samba服务可以实现基于Linux操作系统的服务器和基于Windows操作系统的客户端之间的文件、目录和共享打印服务。Linux系统中Samba的主配置文件是/etc/samba/smb.conf。请根据以下的smb.conf配置文件,在空(1)~(7)中填写恰当的内容。[global]workgroup = MYGROUPnetbios name=smb-serverserver string = Samba Server;hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.load printers = yessecurity = user[printers]comment = My Printerbrowseable = yespath = /usr/spool/sambaguest ok = yeswritable = noprintable = yes[public]comment = Public Testbrowseable = yespath = /home/sambapublic = yeswritable = yesprintable = nowrite list = @test[user1dir]comment = User1's Servicebrowseable = nopath = /usr/usr1valid users = user1public = nowritable = yesprintable = no请根据上述说明回答下列问题:Linux 服务器启动 Samba 服务后,在客户机的 “网络邻居”中显示提供共享服务的Linux 主机名为①,在客户端看到的共享目录有打印机共享目录和②,能够通过Samba服务读写/home/samba中的内容的用户是_ ③,该共享权限为④;能够访问/usr/user1中的内容的用户是⑤。