
The losses caused by the fires include
[A] 63 men dead.
[B] 26 men injured.
[C] 7,000 heads of livestock dead.
[D] 7 million hectares of forest destroyed.



A. 172.9%
B. 137.3%
C. 72.9%
D. 37.3%

With the (39 ) evolution of society, simple counting became necessary. A tribe had to know how many members it had and how many enemies, and shepherd needed to know (40 ) the ; flock of sheep was decreasing in size. Probably the earliest way of keeping a count was by some simple tally (计算, 记录) method, (41 ) the principle of one-to-one correspondence. In(42 ) a count of sheep, for example, one finger per sheep could be (43 ) . Counts could also be (44 ) by making scratches in the dirt or on a stone, by cutting notches in a piece of wood, or by tying knots in a string. (45 ) , perhaps later, an assortment of vocal (46 ) was developed as a word tally against the number of objects in a small group. And (47 ) later, with the development of writing, a set of(48 ) was invented to stand for these numbers. Such an imagined development is (49 ) by reports of anthropologists in their studies of present-day societies that are (50 ) to be similar to those of early humans.
[A] after
[B] before
[C] ahead
[D] ago


A. 可用作咬合重建
B. 主要靠钉洞固位
C. 只能用于后牙
D. 磨牙常用4个钉洞固位
E. 面应预备出至少0.5~1.0mm

(二)甲企业使用的某宗地位于A市一级工业用地范围,由该企业于1985年以划拔方式取得,批准用途为工业,土地面积30亩;宗地上各幢砖混结构厂房建筑总面积17000 m2,平均成新度70%,宗地建筑密度45%,部分厂房自2000年出租给A市百货公司做批发市场经营至今。因该宗地己被列入旧城改造区范围,由市规划管理部门核定的原厂区用地详细规划指标为:规划用途为商业、住宅,规划批准用地总面积18000 m2,其中商业用地面积8000 m2、住宅用地面积l0000m2;规划正均容积率2. 89,其中商业建筑面积28000 m2、住宅建筑面积24000 m2。 经调查:①该宗地土地开发程度红线内达到“五通一平”(通路、通上水、通下水、通信、通电及场地平整).红线外达到“六通”(通路、通上水,通下水、通信、通电、通燃气);②A市一级商业、住宅、工业周地基准地价分别为5800元/m2、2000元/m2、800元/m2,对应各用途平均容积率分别,为2.O、2.O、1.0,开发程度为宗地红线外“六通”(通路、通上水、通下水、通信、通电、通燃气)及红线内场地平整,估价基准日为2006年1月1日;③以2006年1月1日为基期,A市一级商业、住宅、工业用地年均环比增长率分别为2%、4%、0%;④通燃气平均成本为20元/m2;⑤砖混结构建筑重置价600元/m2;⑥A市各类用地容积率修正系数表(部分)如下:

A. 若对该宗地实施旧城改造拆迁,应分别按工业和商业用途评估房地产市场价格
B. 该宗地属存量建设用地,变更该宗地用途可按补办出让手续办理,并按市场价补交 土地出让金
C. 若通过土地储备途径处置该宗地,按规定甲企业可与A市土地储备机构根据土地评 估结果协商补偿金额
D. 甲企业可按商业、住宅用途市场价补缴该宗地土地出让金后自行开发建设
